In the run up to the Delhi Assembly electionsnustabet gaming, Congress leader Rahul Gandhi attacked AAP supremo Arvind Kejriwal. In a rally in Okhla, PTI quoted Gandhi saying that Kejriwal fears PM Narendra Modi, and said that the party has been at the center of the liquor scam.
house of fun bonus“When the poor people of Delhi needed him, he was nowhere to be found. When there was violence in Delhi (referring to the riots of 2020) he was nowhere to be seen. He talked about 'clean politics' but the biggest liquor scam took place in Delhi. Don't know about other parties, but Arvind Kejriwal surely fears Narendra Modi. He (Arvind Kejriwal) said that he would do 'clean' politics, but he and his party did the biggest liquor scam in Delhi,” Gandhi said.
BY Outlook Sports Desk
Pool A will consist of the defending champion Railway Sports Promotion Board (RSPB – Indian Railways), along with Indian Army – Red, Bharat Petroleum Corporation Ltd (BPCL), Hockey Maharastra and Hockey Unit Of Tamil Nadu (HUTN).
Delhi Polls 2025: BJP, AAP & Congress Intensify Campaigning As Elections NearAdditionally, in another rally in Pratapganj, Gandhi targeted Kejriwal and highlighted the sheeshmahal controversy. “Kejriwal had a small car (the blue Maruti Wagon-R that the AAP leader reported stolen in October 2017) when he came, and he declared he will introduce a new kind of politics. He had climbed an electric poll and promised to transform Delhi," he said.
Gandhi also said that the Congress does not want an India of hatred. “We don't want an India of hatred, fear; minorities, Dalits, backwards should not fear anything,” Gandhi said.
The city will go for vote on February 5 and the results will be out on February 8. nustabet gaming